Have you ever been mystified by the thought of this question?
Our dogs run, jump, play, dig, swim and enjoy us just like we enjoy them.
But do they have feelings?
There is a story that has been hitting the air waves for a while now. Its a very touching story about a man that found a dog at the train station. He brought the dog home and tried to find its owner, but never did. So he kept the dog to grow up with his family...wife and daughter. They loved the dog very much and spent lots of time with him. The dog was very curious and spent most of the time in the yard.
One day the dog saw the man leave home. He climbed over the fence for the first time and followed the man all the way to the train station where he daily took the train to go to work. The man came back to the same train station after work to go back home that day and the dog was there waiting for him. This actually became their every day routine for about 10 years or so until the man died.
When the man died the family moved and took the dog with them. The dog became distressed, ran away and went right back to the train station where he used to meet the man every day. He stayed around there for the rest of his life until he died.
The question again was "Do dogs have feelings?"
We see them each and every day. They all have different personalities. They love us just like we love them, in their own way.
Dogs do have feelings, but not like we do. They are just like us in so many ways in that they learn from the way they are socialized and train to act. If there is neglect, they tend to learn things on their own even if it is something that would'nt be considered "good manners". But they don't know any better.
The best way to see man's best friend is to know that we, man, took them from the wild and made them a part of our pack. We DOMESTICATED the dog.
Our dogs are happy, communicate and show affection to us because this is the way we have raised them to be as they have grown and it is part of their nature as a pack animal. They learn from their surroundings as well as the animals that are not so fortunate to be raised in a home that shows them comforts and love they deserve.
Yes.....your dog has feelings and they rely on you to love them the best you possibly can.